Events & Highlights

Monday, March 22 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm by videoconference (webinar)
You will attend the following lectures:
– Presentations of the work carried out during the Mint project supervised by Thomas LECHEVALLIER, teacher at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes: results of the pollution measurement campaign in Nantes, demonstration of the progress of the application project, presentation of the pollution model used…
– General presentation of air quality and pollution issues by Karine PIERRE, Partnership-Innovation Manager at Air Pays de la Loire
– The health aspect of pollution by Dr Arnaud CAVAILLES, pneumologist at the Nantes University Hospital
– Physico-chemical characterization of particles emitted by road vehicles, by Bogdan MURESAN-PASLARU, research fellow in environmental geochemistry at the Gustave Eiffel University, affiliated to the EASE laboratory (Environnement Aménagement Sécurité et Eco-conception), AME department
– The good habits to adopt to protect oneself from pollution in a vehicle cabin and an enclosed environment by Matisse LESAGE, research engineer at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes
We invite you to go to the ticket shop to register if you are interested in the event. We will then be able to contact you to keep you informed and send you the webinar login link. Ticketing link :
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