Action plan

LUNG O2 action plan is divided into 5 main activities commonly called « Work Package » (WP), described below.
WP1 defines the bodies responsible for monitoring and ensuring the proper implementation of LUNG O2‘s action plan.
WP2 entitled « Integrative respiratory research from bench to home » will allow creating an integrative research cluster from basic research and fundamental models to real life cohorts considering patients in their daily environment.
WP3 « Innovation in clinical respiratory research » will consider new challenges arisen with precision medicine in clinical research: accuracy of new drug targets in terms of molecules but also populations; patient’s education and participation in decisions; sex and gender equity in precision medicine.
WP4 « LUNG O2 Educational program » will organize local training courses dedicated to precision medicine in lung diseases and facilitate/encourage the attendance of international courses. This WP will focus on attraction and education of students and also on new training tasks emerged from precision medicine requirements: advanced practice nurses and patients experts.
WP5 « LUNG O2 international ambition » aims to promote Nantes respiratory research worldwide. LUNG O2 will develop international partnerships on respiratory diseases (integration into networks and influence groups, identification of strategic partners) by encouraging mobility of its participants and by inviting international specialists with a dedicated budget for travel expenses. Lung O2 will thus reinforce the attractiveness and leadership of Nantes in the field of lung diseases for high-level researchers, scientific and medical students.